Film A Quick Video
For Mastermind!
We want to send Dean a video of you telling him what Mastermind has meant to you so far!
  • Step 1: Have Fun, Get Creative and Film your video on your phone or laptop. Try and keep it to 3 minutes or less as you do :) (Some filming tips listed below)
  • Step 2: To help you get started, here are the questions we recommend you answer :) They are not all required, but they can all help you get started!
  • ​​How did you feel at first?
  • ​What limiting beliefs did you overcome?
  • How has this led to results in your life? What exactly has it helped you accomplish?
  • How has this program been different from all the other things out there?
  • Step 3: In the field below, please give us your email address and then upload your video in the blue "Video Uploader" on step 2
  • ​Step 4: Be on the lookout for an email from our team in the next few days to say thank you and to get your permission to share your video to the DG fam!
Upload Your video Here!
  Filming Tips
  • If using a phone make sure to film with camera sideways.
  •  Use a tripod or have someone hold the camera as steady as possible (Unless walking and talking of course) 
  •  Film with light in front of you.  
  •  Try and find a nice background or setting as the backdrop. 
  •  Don't over think what to say or over rehearse. Share your transformation or success from your heart!  
  •  Enthusiasm and Authenticity outweigh over-rehearsed and perfect. Be yourself :-) 
  •  Get creative, have fun and share your story of success!!